The Muse

Lit!Commons Muse Pathway

Participants in Lit!Commons get access to all 10 teaching artists. Brenda Hudson leads the Muse pathway, which strives to help energize your creative practice through shared encouragement and mind-expanding exercises.

Brenda creates weekly on-demand content that can fit into your busy schedule and follows up with live weekly sessions as well as peer conversation in our shared community.

In this pathway, you'll find activities and lessons like: 

  • Write Like a Genius: Exercises from Lynda Barry
  • Creativity Exercises like Follow the Image
  • Approaches to Write Through Challenging Times

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Your Teaching Artist

Lit!Commons Subscribers Gain Access to All 10 Teaching Artists. The Muse path is led by Brenda Hudson.

The Muse Brenda Hudson

Brenda Hudson is an award-winning teacher, writer, and author. Helping others express themselves through writing is Brenda's passion. In her workshops and book Story by Story: 15 Projects to Write Your Family Legacy, she helps even reluctant writers quickly and easily capture their stories. She loves teaching youth and adults at the Loft and has twice received its Excellence in Teaching Fellowship. She also teaches at the Madeline Island School of the Arts, and at schools, libraries, and historical societies. She holds an MS in journalism from Boston University and a PhD in rhetoric from the University of Minnesota's Department of Writing Studies. She is the founder of

The Muse Path

This curriculum will build over time. You get access to it all!

    1. Welcome from Brenda Hudson

    2. What to Expect from the Muse

    3. Shared Values and Rules

    1. Welcome to Write Like a Genius

    2. A Word About Supplies

    3. Let's Get Started

    4. Technique 1: Attendance Card Prompt

    5. Bonus Lesson from Season 1: Daily (4-Minute) Diary

    6. Bonus Video: I Can't Draw!

    1. Welcome to Write Like a Genius Week 2

    2. Attendance Exercise

    3. Technique 2: Monster Write

    4. Bonus Lesson from Season 1: X-Page

    1. Welcome to Write Like a Genius Week 3

    2. Attendance Exercise

    3. Technique 3: Character Jam

    4. Bonus Video: Lynda Barry does a Face Jam

    1. Welcome to Write Like a Genius Week 4: Expanded Story

    2. Attendance Exercise

    3. Technique 4: Expanded Story

    4. Bonus: NPR Interview with Lynda Barry

    1. Welcome to Write Like a Genius Final Week

    2. Attendance Exercise

    3. Technique 5: Create Your Own Writing Kit

About this path

  • Weekly On-Demand Lessons
  • Live Follow-up Sessions
  • Shared Community