Your Teaching Artist

Lit!Commons Subscribers Gain Access to All 10 Teaching Artists. The Navigator path is led by Savannah Brooks.

The Navigator Savannah Brooks

Savannah Brooks (she/her) started agenting in 2017 and, in 2022, joined the incredible team at kt literary, where she represents a wide range of both children's and adult books. She’s especially interested in stories that teach her something new, add to a larger sociopolitical conversation, and highlight underrepresented identities and cultures (as a chronically ill person with physical, mental, and neurological disabilities, this last part is especially important to her). She earned her MFA in creative writing from Hamline University and her BS in marketing management from Virginia Tech. As well as agenting, she works as a teaching artist at the Loft Literary Center. A forest witch in training, she splits her time between the North Woods of Minnesota and the Appalachians of North Carolina with her two black cats, Eggs Benedict and Toaster Strudel. To learn more, visit her website.

The Navigator Path

This curriculum will build over time. You get access to it all!

    1. What to Expect from The Navigator

    2. Shared Values and Rules

    3. Submit Your Query Letters

    1. Lesson 1: An Introduction to Traditional Publishing

    2. Lesson 2: Working with an Agent

    3. Lesson 3: Acquisition

    1. Lesson 1: Working with the Publisher

    2. Lesson 2: Starting Over Again

    1. Lesson 1: Finding Agent Info

    2. Lesson 2: Finding Imprint Info

    1. Exploring Publishing Part 1: Literary Magazines

    1. Exploring Publishing Part 2: Small Presses

About this path

  • Weekly On-Demand Lessons
  • Live Follow-up Sessions
  • Shared Community