
Lit!Commons Networker Pathway

Participants in Lit!Commons get access to all 10 teaching artists. Allison Wyss leads the Networker pathway, which strives to help build authentic connections and make writing a little less lonely.

Allie creates weekly on-demand content that can fit into your busy schedule and follows up with live sessions as well as peer conversation in our shared community.

In this pathway, you'll find activities and lessons like: 

  • A summer of flash writing
  • Finding community through literary citizenship
  • Approaching feedback and submission

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Your Teaching Artist

Lit!Commons Subscribers Gain Access to All 10 Teaching Artists. The Networker path is led by Allison Wyss.

The Networker Allison Wyss

Allison Wyss is the author of the short story collection, Splendid Anatomies (Veliz Books, 2022). She has a thing about body modification, dismemberment and fairy tales. Her stories have recently appeared in Water~Stone Review, Cincinnati Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Moon City Review, Yemassee, Lunch Ticket, Jellyfish Review, and (less recently) elsewhere. Some of her ideas about the craft of fiction can be found in Reading Like a Writer, a monthly column she writes for the Loft Literary Center, where she also teaches classes.

The Networker Path

This curriculum will build over time. You get access to it all!

    1. Welcome from Allison Wyss

    2. What to Expect from The Networker

    3. Ideas for The Networker Path

    4. Shared Values and Rules

    5. Allison Wyss's Teaching Philosophy and Statement of Beliefs

    6. An Introduction to Me (Allie)

    1. Welcome to Season 2!

    2. Community Achievements

    3. Writing to be Shared Thursday, Oct. 3 (Originally Sept. 26)

    4. Live Session and Asynchronous Flash: "Feeding on the Thamirabarani Metro" by M. L. Krishnan

    5. Live Session and Asynchronous Flash: "What Would the Aliens Think?" by Ekpenyong Kosisochukwu Collins

    6. Prompts

    1. Writing About Writing: A Guide to Close Reading

    2. Writing About Writing--Close Reading for Craft Essays

    3. About the Literary Citizenship Series

    1. How Do We Approach Craft Essays?

    2. Craft Essay Drafts and Ideas to be shared Oct. 17, 2024

    3. Craft Writing Examples

    4. About the Literary Citizenship Series

    1. Expanding Your Flash Work

    2. New Angles On a Piece of Flash

    3. Writing To Be Shared Nov. 4

    1. Social Media

    2. Social Media for Writers

    3. About the Literary Citizenship Series

About this path

  • Weekly On-Demand Lessons
  • Live Follow-up Sessions
  • Shared Community