Your Teaching Artist

Lit!Commons Subscribers Gain Access to All 10 Teaching Artists. The Poet path is led by Kathryn Kysar.

The Poet Kathryn Kysar

Kathryn Kysar is the author of two books of poetry, Dark Lake and Pretend the World, and she edited the anthology Riding Shotgun: Women Write About Their Mothers. She has received fellowships and residencies from the Anderson Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Banfill-Locke Center for the Arts, the Minnesota State Arts Board, the National Endowment for the Humanities, Tofte Lake Center, the Oberholtzer Foundation, and Write On, Door County. Her poems, book reviews, travel articles, and essays have been published in the Great River Review, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Minnesota Women’s Press, Mizna, The Mollyhouse, Mom Egg Review, Permafrost, Slag Glass City, Stone Coast Review,The Under Review, and many other magazines and anthologies. She has a B.A. from Hamline University and an M.F.A. from Wichita State University. She is the founder of the creative writing program at Anoka-Ramsey Community College, and she has served on the boards of directors for the Association of Writers and Writing Programs and Rain Taxi. She performs with the Sonoglyph Collective, a poetry/improvisational jazz group, and resides in Saint Paul.

The Poet Path

This curriculum will build over time. You get access to it all!

    1. Welcome from Kathryn Kysar

    2. Introduction to the Poetry Pathway

    3. Lit!Commons Shared Values and Rules

    1. Basics of Good Poetry Writing: Introduction for The Five Senses

    2. Getting Started: Reading Poetry

    3. 20 Minute Writing Exercise: The Five Senses

    4. Further Reading

    1. Basics of Good Writing: Concrete verses Abstract

    2. Getting Started: What is a Good Poem and Elements of Poetry

    3. 20 Minute Writing Exercise: The "How To" List Poem

    4. Further Reading: The "How To" List Poem

    1. Basics of Good Writing: Introduction to Interview with Arleta Little

    2. Video Interview with Master Poet Arleta Little

    3. Further Reading

    1. Basics of Good Writing: Similes and Metaphors

    2. Reader Response Theory

    3. 20 Minutes Revising Exercise: Adding Similes and Metaphors

    4. Further Reading: Similes and Metaphors

    1. Writing Intimacy: Introduction to the Month and Writing the Family

    2. Mini-Craft Talk: Writer's Block

    3. Writing Intimacy: The Family: Twenty Minute Exercise Options

    4. Further Reading

About this path

  • Weekly On-Demand Lessons
  • Live Follow-up Sessions
  • Shared Community