
Lit!Commons Revisionary Pathway

Participants in Lit!Commons get access to all 10 teaching artists. Eliot West leads the Revisionary pathway, which aims guide you toward a more productive and robust revision process.

Eliot creates weekly on-demand content that can fit into your busy schedule and follows up with live sessions as well as peer conversation in our shared community.

In this pathway, you'll find activities and lessons like: 

  • Revision mindset—Finding Distance
  • Radical Revision Experiment—Switching Form
  • What's Working?—Steering Toward the Good Stuff

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Your Teaching Artist

Lit!Commons Subscribers Gain Access to All 10 Teaching Artists. The Revisionary path is led by Eliot West.

The Revisionary Eliot West

Eliot West ( is an independent editor specializing in romance and fantasy fiction, including interactive fiction. Their work is informed by a background in literary studies and deep interests in conscious language, gender diversity, human sexuality, consent, and trauma and healing.

Whether editing, teaching, presenting at a conference, or working with a writer one-on-one, Eliot aims to support creators in realizing their particular visions and growing in their craft—and to advocate for readers through a commitment to inclusive language and storytelling.

Eliot has spent their life both studying and celebrating how genres, stories, and sentences work. They hold a PhD in English literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with a focus on literary theory and the novel … but their real education has been in reading queer romance, working with students, and getting their hands dirty in manuscripts as stories grow into themselves.

The Revisionary Path

This curriculum will build over time. You get access to it all!

    1. What to Expect from The Revisionary

    2. Welcome from Eliot - The Revisionary

    3. Shared Values and Rules

    1. what if you were to revise...a city park?

    2. challenge: imagining different levels of revision for a specific draft

    1. Finding Distance: The Revision Mindset

    2. challenge: moving toward a revision mindset

    1. make it longer

    2. challenge: make it & then make it longer

    1. make it shorter: trimming and tightening drafts

    2. challenge: cut, cut, cut!

    1. steering toward the good stuff

    2. reflection: beauty in your world

    3. challenge: what's beautiful? what's working?

About this path

  • Weekly On-Demand Lessons
  • Live Follow-up Sessions
  • Shared Community